Monday, July 6, 2020

Matchless update!

Matchless, I have not forgotten thee!

This is the final mock up of the G9 and an idea of how she will look, minus a couple surprise pieces!

My smaller forks and front end were removed and put on my friend's '49 AJS (which is coming along nicely).  Thanks to bike builder extraordinaire Goldy, (as he is known on many bike forums) I now have an excellent pair of conrods for the engine.  I am waiting on an extractor from England in order to replace the main bearings which I have at hand.

Some may note a different tail light and much smaller headlight from earlier configurations; I was playing around and this works much better with the overall look and feel.  By the end, I unconsciously built a 50's California custom street scrambler and I have no complaints!  My friend down the road (and one town over) provided me the alloy Tail light for free.  I installed a NOS Sparto lens I had been saving for a special occasion.  The headlamp (not the one pictured) is an old KD with a 5 3/4 Lucas lens.  The seat was bought for $20.00 on Ebay, and recovered with marine vinyl.  The front mudguard is an AMC item and came with the original haul of parts.  The rear is for a Royal Enfield Bullet.

I ended up sending the single side hubs to the '49 AJS and going with the full width wheels. I was very hesitant to do this originally as I didn't like the look.  They have certainly grown on me since.

I will attempt to document some of the rebuild and provide more detailed photos soon.  Project Covid has lots of updates as well, so stay tuned!

Until next time.......

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